Transfer your investments to Moneyfarm.

Bring all your investments under one roof. Enjoy a seamless transfer process and simpler, more convenient management.

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Capital at risk.

Transfer your investments to Moneyfarm.

Bring all your investments under one roof. Enjoy a seamless transfer process and simpler, more convenient management.

Learn more

Capital at risk.

Why transfer to Moneyfarm?

Why transfer to Moneyfarm?

Free transfer

Transferring your investments won’t cost you a thing, and we’ll guide you through the process every step of the way, however your existing provider may have charges. Make sure you’re aware of these before you make any decisions.

Save on fees

By consolidating your investments, you could potentially lower your overall investment costs.

Access to advanced tools

Our Analytics tool gives you a clear, comprehensive overview of all of your investments, plus detailed market insights.

Expert guidance

Gain access to our team of investment consultants, ready to provide guidance and support whenever you need it.

How does the transfer work?

How does the transfer work?

Moneyfarm image

Request the transfer form via email:

Moneyfarm image

Fill out and send us the form via the same address.

Moneyfarm image

We’ll notify you once the transfer is complete.

Contact us
Moneyfarm image

Request the transfer form via email:

Moneyfarm image

Fill out and send us the form via the same address.

Moneyfarm image

We’ll notify you once the transfer is complete.

Consulta gli approfondimenti

Consulta gli approfondimenti

Slide 1 of 3

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Quanta liquidità tenere sul conto corrente?

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Cosa sono e in cosa investono i fondi monetari?

Come abbiamo visto, Moneyfarm Liquidità+ investe...Read more

Progetti futuri: come accantonare i risparmi per poterli realizzare?

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Quanta liquidità tenere sul conto corrente?

La liquidità sui conti correnti degli italiani continua a rimanere...Read more

Cosa sono e in cosa investono i fondi monetari?

Come abbiamo visto, Moneyfarm Liquidità+ investe...Read more

Progetti futuri: come accantonare i risparmi per poterli realizzare?

Progettare le spese per il futuro prossimo è importante...Read more

Quanta liquidità tenere sul conto corrente?

La liquidità sui conti correnti degli italiani continua a rimanere...Read more

Frequently Asked Questions.